Monday, August 24, 2009

Small Business Council of America Postition Paper on 6707a Penalties

As I previously indicated, I do not think that the efforts in Congress will result in the elimination of 6707A penalties (as many brokers and promoters are representing to clients); however, I do think there is substantial likelihood that legislation will pass which will provide some relief to individuals and small businesses who are potentially subject to these penalties.

Attached below is the position paper of the SBC. It provides a good road map as to where this legislation is headed.

Read the Small Business Council of America Position Paper on 6707a Penalties (read the paper by clicking here)

As always, feel free to contact me at

Sunday, August 9, 2009

More on Section 6707A Penalties

I receive quit a few calls about 412(i) plans and the subject of 6707A penalties seems to be an issue that is on the minds of almost every accountant, attorney, or individual who contacts me. It is for this reason that I wanted to post some additional information on this issue. Let me begin by saying that I am not an accountant or tax attorney.

I am a litigation attorney who represents individuals and small business against the entities or individuals involved in selling or promoting what I consider to be inappropriate, improper, or fraudulent plans. As part of that endeavor, I have come to learn quite a bit about 412(i) and 6707A penalties.


The American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 created Section 6707A of the Internal Revenue Code which was intended to stop the proliferation of multi-million-dollar abusive tax shelters. Pursuant to the Act, a strict liability penalty was imposed on "listed transactions" not reported to the IRS.

A listed transaction is a transaction the IRS has determined, through audits and reviews of other returns, has the potential for avoidance or evasion. The strict liability penalty applies if the taxpayer fails to disclose a listed transaction. The penalty is $100,000 per year for individuals and $200,000 per year for corporations and these penalties are stackable.

6707A penalties are in addition to the 30% accuracy related penalty imposed on the tax understatement under section 6662A. The 6707A penalties apply regardless of the amount of the understatement and regardless of whether the taxpayer can show a "reasonable cause" for the failure to make a disclosure AND regardless of whether the taxpayer amends prior to audit. Furthermore, the Commissioner of the IRS has no discretion to abate the listed transaction penalty. As if it could not get any worse, 6707A does not grant due process of law because there is no judicial review in the Tax Court.


Currently, there are bills pending in both houses of Congress to address the 6707A problem. The National Taxpayer Advocate and the IRS Commissioner have both indicated the need for change and the IRS is currently in a stand down position on some of these penalties (for more information, see prior post The Small Business Council of America is releasing a position paper on the legislation and I will review and post it shortly.

In my opinion, despite what happens in Congress, Taxpayers need to understand that there are going to be penalties. There is not going to be a magic bullet. We are not going to wake up one day and these plans are going to be "legal" and the penalties are going to magically disappear. The penalties may become proportionate to the tax understatement, the pass- through penalties may be reduced, the Commissioner may be allowed discretion to review, and the taxpayer may get judicial review---BUT---taxpayers should not think that this is all simply going to go away.

Taxpayers who are confronted with these penalties need to evaluate a realistic strategy to include to include claims against the individuals responsible for promoting and selling of these plans, and the insurance companies who sold them after being advised of the ultimate result.

Chris Hellums can be reached at or toll free at 1-866-515-8880.

Monday, August 3, 2009

UBS UPDATE: Swiss & US Government Reach Confidential Settlement In Tax Evasion/Bank Secrecy Case Involving 52,000 Names

An agreement reached Friday between the Swiss and US governments prevents an interesting trial proceeding today. On Friday, U.S. District Judge Alan S. Gold told the parties at a hearing that it was the last chance for to strike a deal before trial would begin Monday.

Just a few weeks ago, the Swiss government made it clear that their long-standing bank secrecy laws do not allow UBS to disclose information wanted by the Americans; Swiss bank account holders who are American citizens.

"The US civil proceedings against UBS are to be settled out of court after Switzerland and the USA reached an Agreement in Principle on Friday," Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) said in a statement on Friday.

The dispute involves about 52,000 Americans the U.S. believes are hiding billions of dollars of assets possibly evading taxes. Swiss government and the UBS bank say the names cannot be disclosed without violating long-standing Swiss bank secrecy laws.

In February, UBS had paid USD 780 million to the US government to settle criminal charges related allegations of the bank helping Americans in tax evasion.

Check out the LA Times article describing the time line of legal events this past year.,0,7323298.story

May 2008: Authorities in the United States begin investigating the Switzerland-based services UBS offers to customers living in the United States. UBS manager Martin Liechti is detained as a witness in the United States.

June 19, 2008: Former UBS client adviser Bradley Birkenfeld admits to a U.S. District Court in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to assisting tax evasion.

June 30, 2008: The U.S. Department of Justice applies to a U.S. court in Miami for the Internal Revenue Service to be allowed to issue a "John Doe" summons for the Swiss to provide information about American clients of UBS without singling them out by name. The court approves the request a day later.

July 17, 2008: The Swiss government receives a formal request for assistance from the IRS to help uncover UBS clients involved in tax fraud. UBS manager Mark Branson apologizes to a U.S. Senate panel for the bank's failings and announces that UBS will accelerate its withdrawal from
the U.S. cross-border business.

Nov. 12, 2008: A U.S. court in Miami charges senior UBS manager Raoul Weil with conspiracy to commit tax fraud.

Feb. 18, 2009: UBS reaches a settlement with the Justice Department and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in a U.S. District Court, agreeing to pay $780 million dollars in fines, penalties, interest and restitution. On the same day Swiss officials give U.S. authorities files on 255 American clients suspected by the U.S. of tax fraud without allowing for the right of appeal required under Switzerland's banking secrecy law.

Feb. 19, 2009: The IRS submits the John Doe summons in a civil lawsuit in Miami, asking for the details on 52,000 UBS clients to be handed over.

March 13, 2009: Threatened with international sanctions, the Swiss government agrees to drop the distinction between tax fraud and tax evasion when dealing with foreign requests for legal assistance. Until then Switzerland had refused to provide information to other countries in cases of alleged tax evasion, which is an administrative offense in Switzerland but not a felony.

June 18, 2009: Switzerland and the United States agree on a new double taxation accord to increase Swiss cooperation in U.S. tax evasion probes.

July 2009: UBS freezes the accounts of U.S. offshore clients who failed to act on a letter asking them to close their accounts or transfer funds to a U.S.-supervised unit of the bank.

July 7, 2009: The Swiss government announces that it may seize UBS customer files to prevent them from being handed over to the United States.

July 8, 2009: Federal Judge Alan Gold in Miami asks the U.S. government whether it would consider seizing the U.S. assets of UBS in order to enforce the outcome of the case.

July 13, 2009: Judge Gold postpones until Aug. 3 the trial at the request of the U.S. and Swiss government and UBS in order to give the governments more time to negotiate a settlement.

July 31, 2009: The U.S. and Swiss governments say they have agreed on most major disputes in the U.S. effort to get names of thousands of wealthy Americans suspected of evading taxes by hiding billions in assets with UBS. The trial is postponed.